3rd URBANFLUXES Progress Meeting

3rd URBANFLUXES Progress Meeting

The 3rd URBANFLUXES progress meeting has been conducted in the facilities of DLR, in Oberpfaffenhofen-Wessling during September 1-2, 2016. WP leaders and team members of all 8 partners have gathered in DLR, presented the progress of each WP and discussed the planning for the next semester. There have been very interesting and fruitful discussions among the meeting attendees regarding many important issues of the project. Many obscure parts of the methodology have been successfully clarified and the communication among the team has been considerably strengthened.

Dr. Sue Grimmond from the University of Reading presenting the Progress and Planning of WP7

Dr. Sue Grimmond from the University of Reading presenting the Progress and Planning of WP7

The URBANFLUXES team is now more coherent than ever and ready to move on to the most challenging parts of the project, that is to finalize the methodology for the estimation of anthropogenic heat flux (QF) using the Sentinel data and produce the first QF maps of the study areas.