On December 6, 2017, the Demonstration Meetings of URBANFLUXES project were held in Blue Finn Venue in London. There were two Demonstration meetings: one in the morning, aiming at scientists and one in the afternoon aiming at other stakeholders. In the morning event, called “Methods to obtain anthropogenic heat maps in cities”, the methodologies developed during URBANFLUXES project were thoroughly presented and discussed. Methods for the estimation and evaluation of each Urban Energy Budget (UEB) term were presented separately, similarly to the context and structure of the Work Packages in the project. Discussion of the overall lessons learned regarding the methodology followed. In the afternoon event, called “How can cities reduce urban heat problems and energy losses?”, the relevance of the findings in the project for the planning and management of cities was discussed. The presentations focussed on the outcomes of the project that are relevant for the development of tools and strategies to reduce urban heat, improve thermal comfort and increase energy efficiency. Moreover, the upcoming URBANFLUXES App was demonstrated for the future users.