Born in April 2006, GEO-K (GK) is the first spin-off company of the Tor Vergata University, Rome. The mission of GEO-K is to conduct R&D activities and to provide consulting, services and products in the field of image processing and of microwave, optical and hyperspectral remote sensing. GEO-K is the commercial vehicle through which the user-oriented applications based on the scientific know-how developed both by the Tor Vergata University Earth Observation group and in the framework of the Geoinformation PhD Program, are marketed and delivered to public and private customers. The Tor Vergata University Earth Observation group, which presently includes a permanent staff of 4 professors and several contract and scholarship holders, has carried research on active and passive microwave earth observation since almost 25 years and has published over 400 papers on refereed international journals, books and conference proceedings. The group has participated in early international experiments and campaigns (AGRISAR, AGRISCATT, MAESTRO, Mac-Europe, SIR-C/SAR-X, ENVISAT) and is currently involved in the SMOS and CosmoSkyMed missions.
The key-personnel of GEO-K is highly qualified and with long experience in international activities, in particular gained through participation in projects coordinated by the European Space Agency and by the European Commission. During its incubation at the ESA-ESRIN centre GEO-K developed a new technology based on neural networks for the processing of satellite data, with a particular focus on the features extraction procedures.
GEO-K is and has been involved in various educational projects regarding EO, in particular it is actually a partner of the ongoing ESA Learn-EO project. In the ESA DUE Innovators II Apollo (Atmospheric POLLution monitoring with EO) project, ground measurement and EO data have been combined for the production of tropospheric ozone maps while in the Fuegosat Synthesis study GEO-K has been providing, together with University of Valencia, consulting activities to ESA for the definition and the exploitation capabilities of a new TIR space-mission. GEO-K has been also recently involved in contracts with ASI (Italian Space Agency) for the exploitation of the VHR X-band data collected by the CosmoSkymed mission, for the design of new data compression algorithms suitable for space missions, for the implementation of data fusion algorithms to be applied for a precision farming service. The organization of the company system in conformance with the ISO normative has led GEO-K to pass the check to receive the certification ISO 9001:2008 for “Design and development of satellite data processing components for geoinformation production”. The certification has been confirmed and renewed on July 10, 2013. In 2012 GEO-K was successful in the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Masters competition winning, together with SERCO, the ‘Ideas Challenge’ section.
For more information about GEO-K visit .