Publications in Scientific Journals and Conferences

Publications in Scientific Journals and Conferences

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Lindberg, Fredrik; Grimmond, Sue; Gabey, Andrew; Huang, Bei; Kent, Christoph; Sun, Ting; Theeuwes, Natalie; Jarvi, Leena; Ward, Helen; Capel-Timms, Isabella; Chang, Yuanyong; Jonsson, Per; Krave, Niklas; Liu, Dongwei; Meyer,; Olofson, Frans; Tan, Jianguo; Wastberg, Dag; Xue, Lingbo; Zhang, Zhe

Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor (UMEP): An integrated tool for city-based climate services (Journal Article)

Environmental Modelling & Software Vol. 99, 70-87, (2018), Vol. 99 , pp. 70-87, 2017.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Green infrastructure, Heat risk, QGIS, Solar energy, Urban climate services)


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